REAL FOOD SYSTEMS FOR lNDIVIDUAL AND PLANETARY HEALTH is an advocacy platform of actionists committed to addressing the planetary emergency through sustainable food systems. We raise awareness of food issues, to trigger behavior change in our relationships with food and to foster action on international and societal levels.

Our vision is a transformed and sustainable future, where plant-based, whole food is the foundation for human and planetary health.


Today’s food systems, from extractive industrial production to unsustainable meat consumption, are major drivers of the current climate emergency, biodiversity collapse, non-communicable diseases, food inequities/malnourishment and humanitarian crises. We are off-track to meet the Paris Climate Agreement targets, with dire consequences on the immediate horizon.


Science confirms that fixing our current food systems is an immediate priority. Producing adequate and healthy food to meet the world’s nutritional needs is possible within planetary boundaries. This requires healing soils and producing food in harmony with the local ecology and socio-economic well-being. To this end, priorities should urgently focus on:

  • Ending food-driven deforestation and ocean destruction from industrial-based fishing and fish farming

  • Transitioning away from industrial animal agriculture; supporting agroecology

  • Redirecting subsidies to help farmers who are on the front lines of climate change

On the consumption side, diets must rapidly shift from animal-based, convenient highly-processed packaged foods to plant-based, whole-grain “Real Food”: food that nourishes communities and the earth; respects human health, animals, social justice, and the environment. It should be as close as possible to its natural state without alteration. Transformation starts at home, with cooking and gardening together to see how beneficial Real Food can be.

Large-scale changes can be ignited by individual behavior.


We are global advocates for nourishing the human race and planetary ecosystems, through real food. We empower youth to have an influence on their future. We promote real-time solutions to prevent climate catastrophe, through healthy food systems for future generations.